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Monday, August 16, 2010

Winners are not afraid of losing

One of my favorite sections in Rich Dad Poor Dad is in chapter 6 when Kiyosaki goes on to explain how most people are not rich because they are terrified of losing: "Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success."

As a young working professional, I want to be able to make more money but I also must weigh the risks of investing in a volatile market. Although the stock market has ebs and flows, this past year I jumped at the opportunity to buy blue chip stocks for well below the valued price. Then, I got a little too excited and invested in more risky stocks. I am hoping that in the long run the investments I made in both stable and risky stocks will be worth it.

Yet, the fact that I was able to buy stocks in a bad economy gave me the confidence that taking a bit more risks with my money can pay off because if the fear of trying to make money takes over I can never have a chance of enjoying the success.

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